Pubg Mobile best


Paste Here :-
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks

тЬЕ Friends, if you are having any problem in downloading file or pesting the file, then comment here.
тЪая╕П Share With Credit  - @TricksterGame
By using this File with ZERO RECOIL, no BAN will be sent to your ID.
In this file, you will find NO GRASS NO FOG ZERO RECOIL to see all these things.
If you guys use this file, then you will be able to reach the CONQUEROR level very soon.
I have added 90fps in this file, if your device does not support 90fps, then 90fps view will be visible in your device.
By using this file, your experience of playing pubg mobile games will increase a lot.

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